Private Detective Weimar | Detective Agency Weimar – Kurtz Investigations Germany*

Third best investigation agency in Germany on the Wirtschaftswoche’s service ranking

The experienced detectives of our detective agency in Weimar investigate on behalf of private clients and companies, applying meticulous research and surveillance methods, and our results always stand up in court. Our fields of focus include private issues such as marital infidelity, responsibilities of custodial parents, custody cases, as well as employee checks, and the solving of (corporate) prosecutable crimes, for example, offences against property, burglary of a dwelling, unfair competition and cargo crime. Please, get in touch with our private investigators in Weimar for a non-binding and free call: +49 361 2243 0020.


Not convinced yet? Have a look at our references!

Cultural heritage and diversified economic structure | Variety for our private and corporate detective agency in Weimar

The culture-historical past of the urban district city Weimar is known beyond Germany's borders; the home city to many poets and composers like Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Bach, Liszt, and Strauss, attract around 350,000 visitors every year. Counting 63,818 inhabitants, Weimar is the fourth biggest city in Thuringia and impresses with its historical scenery, including memorials and art-historical exhibitions which are mainly focused on the time period from the 16th to the 20th century and on the cultural achievements of the city. Consequently, Weimar was listed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998 thanks to the preservation of buildings and parks from the "classical Weimar". Our private detectives in Weimar, however, don't have much time for these sights, as their presence in the city is usually related to the surveillance of a suspect cheating on their partner or with checking a suspected employee who is working in a second job which was not agreed on by their employer and which, in fact, may also not be registered (illegal work), or they may simply be chucking a sicky.


The majority of jobs in Weimar exists thanks to the city's historical scenery and the therewith associated tourism: 23,514 employees who were subject to social insurance contributions were registered in 2014, 11.2 % out of which in the manufacturing industry and 87.7 % in the service sector. Out of the latter, 37.6 % were employed in the hospitality industry (in hotels and restaurants). And yet not all of these employees are trustworthy – our corporate detective agency in Weimar is specialised in discrete surveillance of suspected employees and supports businesses in the region to solve these cases. 48.3 % of Weimar's economy are based on the service sector and 20.5 % on retail. With 30 %, the manufacturing industry plays a smaller role than in the GDR, but it is still a significant contributor.     

Goethe-Schiller Monument; private detective Weimar, private investigator Weimar

The Goethe-Schiller Monument in front of the Deutsches Nationaltheater represents the two best-known personalities from Weimar and it is the most important landmark of the city. An internationally known monument.

High unemployment rate and high crime rate – the police and politicians present a curious statistic

Around half (around 12,000) of the employees working in Weimar are inbound commuters. This number clearly explains why the city's unemployment rate of 8.5 % (2014) lies so high above the nationwide average. The high unemployment rate may be one of the reasons for the increasing crime rate. Within the district of Weimar, offences have increased by 248 to 5,956 cases in 2014 while the crime clearance rate of 55.3 % continues to decrease. Within the city's area, 1,854 offences were registered. What is truly worrying is that the number of theft-related offences has increased from 288 to 507 (especially, burglary of dwellings and bicycle theft). That is an increase of approximately 76 % while the crime clearance rate for this type of offence only reaches an unacceptable 21.1 %! Specifically bizarre are the crime statistics concerned with offences against property and fraud: The number of cases has allegedly decreased by 182 to 486. But the reality is that those crimes which are committed in Weimar but where the offender flees to another country are no longer included in this statistic (2014). Long story short: It is easy to whitewash the facts.


The authorities prefer to consider property crimes of minor importance because in many of these cases it is difficult to determine the offender, the effort that is necessary when faced with reputedly smaller damages is often thought to be unreasonable, plus, the law enforcement forces in Weimar, as well as those on a nationwide level, are often provided with poor technical equipment and they are understaffed. Our detective agency in Weimar never cuts corners when it comes to staff, technical equipment or the education of our investigators. Our IHK-certified private investigators have the necessary know-how and investigate every single case with an extremely high level of reliability and detail. We will gladly work on your case, too. You can send us a message via our contact form or give us a call.

Examples for areas of operation in the Weimar region:

  • Private Investigator for Apolda, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Bad Berka, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Bad Sulza, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Blankenhain, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Ilmtal-Weinstraße, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Kranichfeld, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Madgdala, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Saaleplatte, Germany
Kranichfeld; detective agency Weimar, corporate investigator Weimar, private investigator Thuringia

You may of course also book our detective services in the whole of the Weimar region and all of Germany. Picture: Oberschloss Kranichfeld, Weimarer Land.


*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Erfurt are executed and billed from Arnstädter Straße in Erfurt. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on our operating areas here.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik; Kurtz Detektei Erfurt und Thüringen

Kurtz Detektei Erfurt und Thüringen

Arnstädter Straße 50

99096 Erfurt

Festnetz: 0361 2243 0020

Faxnummer: 0361 2243 0029

Montag bis Freitag: 08:00-20:00

well:fair Neven Subotic Stiftung

Die Detektei Kurtz unterstützt seit 2016 ununterbrochen die well:fair Neven Subotic Stiftung, die Kindern in armen Regionen Zugang zu Wasser und Bildung verschafft.

Datenschutz; Detektei Erfurt, Erfurt Detektiv, Erfurt Privatdetektiv, Jena Detektei

*Hinweis: Alle Einsätze der Kurtz Detektei Erfurt und Thüringen werden von der Arnstädter Straße 50 in Erfurt aus durchgeführt. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten oder -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Erfurt und Thüringen, sofern nicht explizit anders ausgewiesen. Wir können Ihnen bundesweit günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Gebieten erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrößeren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.

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